State of Connecticut
Connecticut Insurance Department

Health Insurance Rate filings for 2020

Click here for 2020 Rate Filings Chart - Final

On September 13, 2019, the Connecticut Insurance Department issued its final rulings on 14 health insurance rate filings for the 2020 individual and small group markets. The filings were made by 10 health insurers for plans that currently cover about 242,000 people.

  • The average increase for individual plans is 3.65 percent, reduced from average request of 7.78 percent.
  • The average increase for small group plans is 9.19 percent, reduced from average request of 11.98 percent.

Pricing Factors for 2020:

  • Federally Mandated Health Insurer Tax: There was a moratorium on the federally mandated health insurer tax in 2019, but it has been reinstated for 2020. The reinstatement of this federally mandated tax accounts for approximately 3 percentage points of each carrier’s rate increase request and approved rate changes. This means that the average requested and approved increases from above would be approximately 3 percentage points lower if this tax was not reinstated.
  • Trend: Trend is a factor that accounts for rising health care costs, including the cost of prescription drugs, and the increased demand for medical services.
  • RADV Audit: CMS completed its 2017 benefit year Risk Adjustment Data Validation (RADV) audit. The impact of this audit varied by carrier in both the individual and small group markets.

What's Next

Open enrollment for the 2020 coverage year begins November 1, 2019.

Public Comment and Video of Informational Hearing

On September 4, 2019, the Department held an informational hearing for individual and small group exchange plans marketed by Anthem Health, Inc. and ConnectiCare Benefits, Inc. (CBI).

Total of 14 filings requested

Click "Select" to view the rate filing, executive summary and write a comment.

Aetna Life Insurance Company - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 06-6033492
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, Aetna Life Insurance Co. submitted a rate filing for an average increase of 22.0 percent for small group indemnity plans that provide major medical and prescription drug coverage for employers with 50 or fewer workers, the Department disapproved the rate increase request and, reduced it to an average increase of 11.1 percent on September 13, 2019.

Anthem Health Plans, Inc - 2020 On/Off Exchange

Tax ID: 06-1475928
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019 Anthem Health Plans, Inc. filed a rate request for an average increase of 14.8 percent on small group health plans for employers with 50 or fewer workers, the Department disapproved the rate increase request and, instead reduced it to an average increase of 14.3 percent on September 13, 2019.

Anthem Health Plans, Inc - 2020 On/Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 06-1475928
Company Filing Type: Individual
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, Anthem Health Plans, Inc. filed a rate request for an average 15.2 percent increase on individual health plans marketed on and off the state's health insurance exchange, the Department disapproved the company's rate increase request and reduced it to an average increase of 6.5 percent on September 13, 2019.

ConnectiCare Benefits, Inc. - 2020 On Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 46-1559752
Company Filing Type: Individual
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, ConnectiCare Benefits, Inc. (CBI) filed a request to raise rates an average of 4.9 percent for individual health plans marketed through Access Health CT, the state's health insurance marketplace, the Department disapproved the company's rate increase request and instead lowered to an average increase of 2.0 percent on September 13, 2019.

ConnectiCare Benefits, Inc. - 2020 On Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 46-1559752
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, ConnectiCare Benefits, Inc. (CBI) filed a request to raise rates an average of 4.8 percent for small group plans marketed through Access Health CT, the state's health insurance marketplace, the Department approved the rate increase request as submitted on September 13, 2019.

ConnectiCare Inc - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 06-1537522
Company Filing Type: Individual
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, ConnectiCare, Inc. submitted a rate filing requesting an average decrease of 9.8 percent on individual health plans or 'SOLO' products marketed outside of Access Health CT, the state sponsored health insurance exchange, the Department disapproved the company's rate decrease request and increased it to a 7.9 percent decrease on September 13, 2019.

ConnectiCare Inc - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 06-1537522
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, ConnectiCare, Inc. filed a request to increase rates an average of 2.9 percent on small group policies marketed outside Access Health CT, the state-sponsored health insurance exchange, the Department disapproved the rate increase request and, instead reduced it to a 2.5 percent increase on September 13, 2019.

ConnectiCare Insurance Company, Inc - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 06-1618303
Company Filing Type: Individual
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, ConnectiCare Insurance Company submitted a rate filing requesting a 10.6 percent average rate increase on its 'SOLO' individual health plans marketed outside of Access Health CT, the state sponsored health insurance exchange, the Department disapproved the company's rate increase request and reduced it to 9.7 percent on September 13, 2019.

ConnectiCare Insurance Company, Inc - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 06-1618303
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, ConnectiCare Insurance Company, Inc. filed a request to increase rates an average of 3.3 percent on small group policies marketed outside Access Health CT, the state-sponsored health insurance exchange, the Department disapproved the rate increase request and, instead reduced it to a 2.9 percent increase on September 13, 2019.

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of Connecticut, Inc. - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 46-1681667
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of Connecticut filed a request to increase rates an average of 10.7 percent for small group HMO plans that will be marketed outside of Access Health CT, the state-sponsored health insurance marketplace, the Department disapproved the rate increase request and, instead reduced it to an average increase of 7.1 percent on September 13, 2019.

HPHC Insurance Company, Inc. - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 04-3149694
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019 HPHC Insurance Co., Inc., filed notice with the Insurance Department that it plans to apply an average increase of 10.8 percent on small group health care indemnity plans used by employers, who have 50 or fewer workers, the Department disapproved the rate increase request and, instead reduced it to an average increase of 7.1 percent on September 13, 2019.

Oxford Health Insurance, Incorporated - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 22-2797560
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019 Oxford Health Insurance, Inc., filed a request to raise rates an average of 14.4 percent for health plans used by employers with 50 or fewer workers, the Department disapproved the rate increase request and, instead reduced it to an average increase of 8.4 percent on September 13, 2019.

Oxford Health Plans (CT), Inc - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 06-1181201
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019 Oxford Health Plans (CT), Inc., filed a request to raise rates an average of 14.9 percent for HMO health plans used by employers with 50 or fewer workers, the Department disapproved the rate increase request and, instead reduced it to an average increase of 8.9 percent on September 13, 2019.

UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company - 2020 Off Exchange Rates

Tax ID: 36-2739571
Company Filing Type: Small Group
Date Opended: 07/08/2019
Date Closed: 09/13/2019

On July 8, 2019, UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company requested an average rate increase of 14.3 percent for small group plans it is marketing outside of the state health insurance exchange, the Department disapproved the rate increase request and, instead reduced it to an average increase of 8.4 percent on September 13, 2019.

Connecticut Insurance Department
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